Monday, June 20, 2011

Playfulness, the Unsung Healer

Massage is an opportunity to come into a deep presence in your body. I find many people think massage needs to hurt in order for things to get better. A golden rule of one ir my teachers I like to follow is no, "pain, no pain"! But true, sometimes we need a little o-OM-ph to shake up our perspective. This gives us the chane to reconnect closer to our whole existence, our whole power and our whole potential. With each breath we are given the opportunity to enjoy the now moment. With each in breath we breathe in the highest intention of peace, love, and happiness- and with each out breath we are thankful for the ability to create and send love each day. By breathing awareness into the body we embrace our innate wholeness and rest in the knowledge we are perfect just as we are. We can forgive the past and move forward with a knowing of what nourishes us and what brings us pleasure.


What is Reiki?

Reiki my friends is a high vibration within the energy field used for healing and releasing blockages. We know from experience that in our lives our thoughts, words and behaviors can become imprinted in our physical bodies and our energetic bodies. At times we may become tied up and unable to flow with the direction we want to create in life. This often happens when we are not tapping into our own connection with Divine Intelligence. With the frequency of the Unity consciousness remembered a balance and restoration can be called upon simply by intending to. With Reiki treatment I act as a clear vessel for the high vibrational energies to descend and flow where the divine assistance is most needed. It acts on all levels- the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual to clear and move stagnant places in the body. Reiki can have many different effects and bring up different sensations for people. It can feel very subtle and then a twitch will suddenly change something. Some times people feel an emotional healing and release tears. Some people find themselves completely relaxed and enter an altered state of consciousness, dreamlike some say. Now the Reiki energy is multi-dimensional also in that it works on the present, past and future levels.

Similar Energy concepts to come include: Calling the Ki with Thai/Shiatsu, Bringing in the Light Body, Earth Heart Meditations, Merging with the Beloved Twin Flame, Pyramid Chamber Healing, Chakra Balancing Meditations, and More...